Friday, October 17, 2008

We gave her, her first bath yesterday. She did not like it!
I love it when she cries! She has this little whiny squeak before she really gets going and it just makes me giggle! It makes her even madder, but I love it! She also has a little bit of jaundice. She didn't get it until we got home, but we have to keep this light blanket on her until it gets better. I have friends that have had to put their babies in little suitcases of light, so a blanket really isn't that bad!
Cody calls her his little Iron Man, I think she looks like a tiny Glow Worm!


Brock and Stef said...

Em so when she cries her little bottom lip sticks out and it is just like when you stick yours out!! HA! She is so beautiful!! She does look like a glow worm, but cuter!!! Love you guys hope all is going well.

April said...

Ha! I love it!
And she really does look like a little glow worm...remember those used to be our favorites toys.
She is such a little Darling.

jacksonhaleywarrenandhaus said...

I agree I love when they get mad I too get a kick out of it.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get home to hold reese. it will be so different after holding harry for sure she is really pretty

Ann said...

She is so beautiful!! That is so cool that she can use that blanket instead of the light.

thehansons said...

She is so freakin cute. I need to come over and see her, but I keep feeling like I am getting sick and I don't want her to get sick. I am glad she is doing so good.

Anonymous said...

what a sweet little glo-bug! and happy 1 week birthday little Reese!

oodlesofoversons said...

She's adorable.

Leah said...

Emma! I am so glad to hear you are alive, and I forgot about blogs, but look I am on yours! And you baby is the beautiful! and not the oh, I can't tell you the truth about how your baby is ugly, but the real, oooooh! Your baby is so BEAUTIFUL! She is like a little doll, all tiny, and cute!