Thursday, July 17, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

I think it's fun to take a trip down memory lane, and it's always good to have a laugh or smile about the past. So leave a comment and I'll do the same for you.:)


thehansons said...

We have had some great times together for sure. I remember when you had your missionary boyfriend and refused to go out with my brother. Now look, you married him. I also remember you coming to my apartment and I would fall asleep on the couch and you would hang out and watch T.V. I loved it when you would text the psycho guys for me and get rid of them. I also enjoyed it when you would come with me to Fillmore to drop of Keana to her dads. So many fun memories.

April said... many memories.
I remember staying up late in our old bunk beds, and I would make you mad by singing the wrong words to Little Mermaid...or saying "I smell, I smell, I smell MONKEY". You really hated that, and I am sorry I did it over and over anyway. I remember driving to Granny's and driving everyone crazy with our giggling and singing Garth Brooks, or Les Mes at the top of our lungs. I also remember this one time we went to CPK, and you were PG but you didn't tell me, and I just sat there going on and on about baby stuff looking like an idiot, and the whole while you were like... Duh I know. Were you getting me back for the monkey incident? I love ya sista!!

Brock and Stef said...

Hmmm.. remember that one time when we all kicked Cody's but at Mariokart!! it was only once though but yeah.. There are so many memories of you but mostly i like talking with you because you are honest and dont' sugar coat things. I love that about you and yet sometimes hate it at the same time..... Anyways Love ya and I am so glad you are in my crazy weird family with us.... oh yeah remember my dad's flowbee shirt you made him!! HA.

Laura & Jamin said...

So hear is what i remember the one time you told me you were PREGANT before anyone else knew HELL YA!!! That makes me feel special!! I remember coming to the salon to talk to when i was having a bad day or just a good day....they were the best times I miss them....I rememeber how when you and April are together you guys are so mean to me!! I remember how you hate it how papa loves me more hahaha!! I could probably go on for days and days....Thanks for being my sister and one of my bestest friends I Love You!!

Laura & Jamin said...

wait i forgot something remember how we make fun of Lord Voldemort hahaha (you know who i'm talkin about) hahaha!! oh and guitar hero i remember how you always kick my trash but its still so much fun to play with you and how you and cody let me come over when i need to get away from the house!! I love it!! and all the lunches you and sabrina would take me on it was always so much fun!!