Friday, October 1, 2010


We finally got to move to our new house!! After what felt like an eternity and one very nice but meant to be mean email later, our house is finally done and we have moved in! All the boxes are almost unpacked and the catch all spare room has a little trail to get to the other side! It is so nice being back in my own house. I do appreciate Cody's parents very much for letting us stay in the basement 5 months longer than we thought we would, but there is nothing better than your own place!
We got a new couch that is a little big for the room, but I LOVE it! We should be getting our blinds next week and I am using the neighbors internet. I figure that if they aren't smart enough to lock it up, then it is mine for the taking! Plus I think it is the house across the street and that is what they get for watching us move all our stuff on Mon and not offering to help. Nosy little buggers!
I am still working on catching up from over the summer, I still have a few pictures on my camera I need to download and of course put up the rest of the house pictures!
Reese loves having her own room and she got a big girl bed last night. We just have the mattress on the floor right now, but hopefully soon we will find her a good bed.
We don't have an antenna or satellite right now, we just watch a lot of movies. Mostly Enchanted. I forgot how much I love it! Poor Cody does have to watch a lot of Princess movies now. But I LOVE it!
And I will be going back to work soon. I am a little happy about it, but also a little sad. I am happy to get to see my clients again, that is if that haven't all found someone new! But at the same time I don't want to do it. It is nice playing with Reese all day. Even the days she drives me crazy and I want to lock her in the closet... actually I will not miss those days. They are not fun. I think having a break from her a few days a week will be nice on my nerves and our relationship. I just need to find a place to work, and then let everyone know.
It is going to be a busy next couple of weeks.


April said...

Congrats going back to work!! And even more so on the new house!! I have a house warming present coming in the mail :)

Becca said...

YAY new house smell!

And your already almost unpacked - I'm jealous. I still have tons of boxes in the garage to unpack - mostly art supplies and sewing stuff and I have no where to put it but still.

Ann said...

congrats on the new house. . . you better post pics soon! Yeah I am excited you are doing nails again! you better let me know where you work