Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today I am 20 weeks, halfway done! HURRAY!!! I am sorry all I have to talk about is the little fetus I am cooking. Our lives are very boring!. Cody and I work all day, and then go home to sleep! But it is the most exciting thing that is happening! I can feel her move a lot now, and last night she was squirming around so much Cody felt her too! It is a little odd, but amazing! She is 10 inches, head to toe, and about 1o ounces. It is amazing the things the human body can do! I feel fine but am always tired! I feel bad for Cody because as soon as we get home and sit down, I am out for the night! A friend of mine told me that all the work your body does to cook a baby is like climbing a mountain! I believe it! I have never had so little energy in all my life. One day my bathroom will be clean again! I haven't had any cravings, but I am not sure when that is supposed to kick in. Cody thinks it is gross that I eat pickles and mustard (not together!), but I have always loved pickles and mustard. I have been eating a lot more sugar than normal...but fruit snacks are good for you. They are made of some fruit juice! And I am not showing yet! I will post pictures soon, but there is no tummy yet! Cody is starting to have her listen to music! It is really sweet how excited he as about all of this! Last night she listened to the Dances with Wolves soundtrack. Beautiful music, but it put me right to sleep... but I guess everything puts me sleep right now! Love you all!


thehansons said...

I am still in shock that you are pregnant. I haven't got the chance to talk to you since you told all of us at dinner. I am so happy for you guys it will be so neat to have another kid around the house when we go to dinner at mom's. I just found out that I only have 9 weeks left. Our baby's will be so close in age. That will be fun for them. Anyways, congrats again.

Brock and Stef said...

That is so exciting!!!! I can't wait to see a little cody and emma!!!! I am so excited for you guys. It was so cute when you told us I don't think I've seen my brother have a smile that big in awhile. He was just grinning ear to ear!! She will be so spoiled!!!! I hope you get a tummy soon I really want you to look pregnant!!!! Love you guys said...

HOLY SHIT EMMA!!!!! i knew your boobs were getting bigger! i am soooooooooooooooooo excited, happy, and in shock for you!! i think i started it all, right? i love that you are having a girl so addi and baby girl williams can be friends, addi can teach her how to be a spoiled pain in the arss but soo dang cute at the same time! Well i am still so amazed at how long you can keep a secret and not show at all, you just look hotter than ever
not pregnant! i love it and i love you!

April said...

Happy 1/2 way day!!! I was gonna text you, but I fell asleep. I think your little tummy is gonna pop out any day now!
We don't really have our baby listen to music...but Clark yells at it and bangs his head against my it is kinda the same.

Sabrina and BJ said...

Half way it not soon enough.. I don't know what I can make you do to make that "baby Sabrina" come right now.. I need a neice.. Maybe you could ask Cody to do some help in that department.. Love You

Anonymous said...

Emma I am so excited for you and cant wait to see that sweet little girl. Love Melissa